Be the light of the world, and providing satisfactory customer service by endless development and successful project execution.
- Entered Business Incubator of Kongju National University
- Established Dokyeung21 Co. Ltd.
- Obtained Certificate of Venture Business
- Performed ministry of SME’s development project.
- Launched AirPOT desk type
- Launched AirPOT portable type
- Registered AirPOT trademark
- Extended business network to overseas (Hongkong, Belgium, Indonesia, Mexico)
- Performed ministry of SME’s development project.
- Obtained KC (Korea Certificate)
- Obtained EAC (Eurasian Conformity) certification
- Moved HQ to CTP (Chungnam Techno Park)
- Launched AirPOT Plus (bug killer type)
- Launched TianshanGo (Premium Korean health functional food)
- Obtained CE certification
- Obtained “Promising Small and medium Enterprise in Export” certificate by Ministry of SME
- Extended business network to Vietnam